











5 件のコメント:

diamondc さんのコメント...

Lovely gift from Pamela.
The card is beautiful.
You now have stash.


匿名 さんのコメント...

I have a lifetime of projects and fabrics and threads and beads ready to be worked whenever I’m ready to work on them. Sometimes I buy some stitch related thing with no idea at the time on how I will use it. You need to have a variety in case you want something new. I’m glad you like the new project and I look forward to your next report on your current projects.

匿名 さんのコメント...

I think it is good to have a hiding place that I can easily find! When I see too many projects on the table, I sometimes feel overwhelmed and give up on stitching. I don't want my embroidery to be stressful! So a hiding place where projects I have not started yet can rest and wait for the day I have time for them is good. However, if I hide things too well, I might forget about them!
Giving each project a name or a number might be a good idea to keep track of each one.
You got some beautiful gifts from Pamela. She is such a good friend.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Lovely gifts! It’s so nice to have a stash to choose from! I keep my charts and kits in various places. A big cupboard for the kits and charts I am not planning to stitch very soon. A big folder for the charts I want to stitch in the next year or two. Or maybe three!
Serendipitous Jo

Leonore Winterer さんのコメント...

Every stitcher needs a stash! I got a fairly good idea what is hiding in mine, but sometimes I like to look around and find forgotten treasure...

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